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Hello there! I'm


frontend web developer

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About me

I am a front-end developer with a strong full-stack skills. My approach to projects is thinking long-term and understanding the bigger picture. From sleek interfaces to interactive experiences, I'm all about pushing boundaries in front end development.

I'm a currently studying Computer Science at University of Szeged. Beyond the screen, I find balance in yoga, meditation, and epic quests with friends in video games and DnD.

Work experience

Work experience

Satrasoft Kft.

JUN 2024 - Present

Frontend developer

React _ Redux _ Three Fiber

  • Implemented interactive 3D experiences with R3F, which are in sync with real-time biological sensors.
  • Maintained component library with highly customizable and reusable components.

Uj algoritmus Kft.

OCT 2022 - JUN 2024

Full stack web developer

Typescript _ C# _ ASP.NET Core

  • Developed an automatic email sending system with an editor and advanced logic capabilities.
  • Created a C# app where students can enter their personal data to be processed and validated by the main product.


Snowy Snaps

Pinterest for huskies! Create a custom profile, share your husky with others, like and save others’ snaps, there is even a small husky-wiki on the page. This React project brought joy to hundreds of users.

React _ Firebase _ Tailwind

Pinterest for huskies! Create a custom profile, share your husky with others, like and save others’ snaps, there is even a small husky-wiki on the page. This React project brought joy to hundreds of users.

Mage Terra

Mage Terra is a multiplayer real-time board game, where players place down dominoes to create their own kingdom. Up to six players can play, it has its own matchmaker and can handle thousand of games at the same time. Best played with friends.

React _ Typescript _ Next.js _ Firebase

Mage Terra is a multiplayer real-time board game, where players place down dominoes to create their own kingdom. Up to six players can play, it has its own matchmaker and can handle thousand of games at the same time. Best played with friends.


A promotional page about cute kitties modelled as chess pieces. Users can interact with the models by moving, spinning and changing the colors of the pieces.

Svelte _ ThreeJS

A promotional page about cute kitties modelled as chess pieces. Users can interact with the models by moving, spinning and changing the colors of the pieces.

Interested in working together?

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